To put to rest all speculations that ran rampant, Apple indeed launched iPhone 5 with screens having 18% more digital space than any of its previous models. This will straightaway mean that the current 700k apps will run in letterbox mode i.e there will be black bars providing padding on sides in landscape mode and on top and bottom in portrait mode – similar to the way iPhone apps run on iPad. To make matter worse is the short time available for iPhone 5 to hit the market which is about 2 weeks. In the case of iPad, developers had some time in hand to make adjustments to their existing apps. But this time they are all hard pressed for time. Hence, there is bound to be a lot of immediate demand for work in Porting iPhone apps to suit the new screen configuration. This is where Mindfire Solutions, based on years of experience in iPhone/iPad development/porting work, provides flexible partnering options for companies and individuals to meet their immediate requirements. We have been the preferred iPhone/iPad offshore development partner for many of our customers for years now. Our strength lies in our technical skillset and our domain expertise in customized iPhone app development.
The need for the rush for porting iPhone apps could be driven by the fact that not too long back, the apps that were not Retina after the launch of iPhone 4 started almost seeing an immediate downward spiral in popularity and demand. This had a tremendous impact on the revenue for those who were not quick to make the required adjustments. To avoid going through a similar experience app owners will push themselves to make the changes fast. According to Apple, a new default image will need to be added most apps will run will need to updated to take advantage of the screen . However, apps which have a complex structure/layout might need a lot of rework to be done. Given the lack of time available, Mindfire Solutions, backed by the technical depth and experience of its experts, can prove to be the ideal partner for a situation like this which calls a quick response time and nimbleness in engagement models.
Mindfire Solutions is the ultimate destination to hire services for dedicated iPhone/iPad app development work. our iOS Application Development team which has an average experience of 4+ years and has successfully executed 50+ iOS projects till date . In addition to this our customers also get the benefit of flexible hours of working at affordable cost. Mindfire solutions’ iPhone development India team’s technical expertise can be used for custom iPhone/iPad development, mobile web, porting and migration, testing and games development. To get our new clients to understand and experience the quality of our delivery, we have the provision for a 100 hours risk free trial*.
Our engagement models are quite flexible. You can either hire a full time dedicated team of iPhone/iPad developers based out of India or augment your development team but having an extended team with us. To know more about our expertise in Custom iPad development services and to hire iPhone developers for your mobile app development requirements, please contact us at sales at mindfiresolutions dot com or call 1-248-686-1424. We will be glad to help you.
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