07 March, 2013

Titanium App Development Services

Appcelerator Titanium is a popular choice for creating cross-platform mobile, tablet, and desktop apps. Titanium lets you build full-featured iOS, Android, mobile web (and soon BlackBerry) apps. Titanium apps have access to native device API and use truly native widgets. What’s more, Titanium development is also a lot faster than Objective-C or Java development.

Mindfire Solutions is a top Titanium Mobile app development company offering expert Titanium development services. Mindfire has one of the largest teams of Titanium certified app developers in India. Mindfire’s expert Titanium developers have successfully delivered a number of cool and engaging Titanium cross-platform apps for their global clients.

Take for example the Titanium pregnancy app for iPhone and Android created by Mindfire. Our clients had a pregnancy app built for iPhone users which was very popular. However, being confined to only the iOS platform, the app covered only a part of our client's target audience. In order to reach the large number of Android users, our clients decided to create the next version of their popular pregnancy app targeting both iOS and Android platforms and adding a host of new features in the process.

Our clients had the choice of creating two separate “native” versions of the app – one for iOS (using Objective-C) and the other for Android (using Java). However, our clients realized that targeting users across platforms creating native apps for each in turn would entail a lot of development time, expenses, and maintenance effort which could easily become economically prohibitive.

The natural alternative was to go in for cross-platform mobile development wherein you create the mobile app once and deploy it to multiple popular platforms. There are many cross-platform mobile development frameworks available in the market today but not everything is created alike – they differ in the manner in which they accomplish the common goal of cross-platform compatibility. 

For our clients’ business needs, we zeroed in on titanium app development which is one of the top cross-platform mobile development choices in the world today owing to its ability to create full-featured native apps with access to platform APIs and hardware features. Mindfire's Titanium developers rose to the challenge of creating a better cross-platform app targeting both iOS and Android than its iOS predecessor with half a million app-store downloads. The new cross-platform app could now be used by millions of Android users worldwide in addition to the iPhone ones.

The Titanium app was ready much faster than its Objective-C and Java versions would have been. It was just as feature-rich and easy-to-use as its native counterparts would have been. The technical choices made by our experienced Titanium developers (such as the use of Amazon Web Services to store user data and Urban Airship for push notification) resulted in an app that was light, fast, and with great user experience. 

If you want to do cool Titanium Apps and need some Titanium development help, get in touch with Mindfire Solutions today – call +1 248-686-1424 or email sales at mindfiresolutions dot com – to leverage the strong track record and solid experience of Mindfire’s Titanium developers to bring your cool mobile app ideas to life.

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