05 June, 2013

What should You look for while Hiring Performance Testers?

Each company has to frequently explore options to develop innovative applications that will keep the users interested and engaged. An application can encourage users to access it again and again, only when it is tested by an experienced application performance tester. Many companies even deploy a team of professional testers to deliver the most efficient features, functionality and experience to the end-users. Often organizations find it a daunting challenge to find and hire a good performance tester.

Most companies hire testers based on their experience in developing projects and using performance testing tools. But it is also important to concentrate on some additional qualities that will help you in hiring a professional who can bring a variety of projects to threshold of success. In addition to checking the educational background, application testing skills and professional experience, you also need to check if the professional has adequate knowledge of testing lifecycle, ability to adopt innovative techniques to tackle new problems, and willingness to learn and adapt to a variety of systems.

Essential Qualities of a Good Performance Tester

Ability to Understand the Application Features and Functionality: Before testing an application, the performance tester has to walk through the project by meeting the development team informally. When the developing team explains him the feature, functionality and use of the application, the tester must pay undivided attention to minute details. At the same time, he also needs to concentrate and pay complete attention to understand the functionality of the application clearly. Some testers even schedule another informal meeting to clarify their doubts.

An Eye for Details: Each software performance tester must have an eye for details. While discussing the project with the development team, he must note down the key points keenly. Also, he must identify the data points that will help in correlating and parameterize the entire project while writing the testing script. For instance, the tester must pay attention to certain parameters like information related to date and time, login details to access the app, and use of specific menus and drop-down boxes. These details can be used to prepare a comprehensive performance testing script.

Knowledge of Performance Testing Concept: A good performance tester also needs to possess sound knowledge of software performance testing basics and concepts. Regardless of the nature and type of the project, he must clearly identify certain concepts like objectives of the testing; nature of the performance testing services; differences between performance metrics; reading the performance monitors correctly; and detecting the techniques and bottlenecks to optimize performance.

Experience in Writing Codes and Using Testing Tools: A good programmer can always be a good performance tester. So can always consider hiring a tester who knows how to write and compile codes. At the same time, the tester must be familiar in using a variety of free and paid application testing tools. You can even look for a tester who has good domain knowledge. For instance, if you are expecting the professionals to test financial application, it is a good idea to hire a tester who is familiar with accounting concepts, and understand the nuances of financial receipts and payment.

Good Analytical and Communication Skills: Each application is tested in several phases. But the tester must monitor and analyze the project constantly from the first testing phase. So he must possess good analytical skills, and apply his mind to track the testing results from the very beginning. At the same time, the professional must possess good communication skills to clearly convey his plans, ideas and thoughts. You can even ask the applicant to write a report to ensure that he can convey his ideas in simple and error-free English.

Must be a Team Player: Like all software development projects, software testing services also should be offered by a “team” of expert professionals. So the tester has to have a good rapport with his teammates, project manager, and the team of code writers or programmers. As the project will be successful only because of the combined efforts of the application development and testing teams, the professional must cooperate and coordinate with others to make the project a success. Along with giving relevant suggestions and ideas, the tester also need to pay adequate attention to the views, ideas, suggestions and feedback of other staff.

A tester often has to interact with the customer or client. Many clients even interact with the performance testers directly to clarify their doubts. In addition to the important qualities mentioned above, you must hire a tester by keeping in mind the specific testing needs of the applications being developed by your organization.

We provide performance testing services. If you would like to outsource load testing, then we request you to have a discussion with our load testers. We will be glad to assist you.

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