Many reports have highlighted how an enterprise can reap a number of benefits by automating manual software testing efforts. In addition to helping businesses in delivering flawless software applications, test automation also them in saving both development cost and time. However, each enterprise has to invest in a variety of test automation tools and frameworks, according to the application’s requirements. There are also chances that the business has to hire skilled QA engineers to effectively automate software testing efforts by following the key rules of software development. That is why; it is important for the business to conduct a detailed cost and benefit analysis to measure the test automation success.
How to Measure a Business’s Test Automation Success?
Test Automation Vision
The test automation vision of individual companies differs. But each business must clearly define and document its automation vision to effectively measure test automation success. A well-defined test automation vision must answer some key questions to result in higher return on investment (ROI). The vision must define what testing efforts and how much of the manual tests to be automated. It also needs to describe the timeline and process of test automation, along with organizing tests based on their priority.
Test Automation Budget
A business can reduce test automation cost by using open source software testing tools and frameworks. But it is always important for the enterprise to evaluate the tools according to their cost, technology and other features. There are also chances that some of these tools need to be customized or have to be developed from scratch. That is why; each enterprise has to prepare a realistic teat automation budget by focusing of all test automation requirements.
Expected ROI
Like a realistic test automation budget, the business also needs to define a ROI that is practical and achievable. It may have to adjust the ROI due to changes in changes in the application’s features or development plan. Likewise, the business must consider the cost of managing and maintaining the automation after the software is delivered. The ROI also needs to be calculated based on the timeline for automation decided in advance. Once the business determines the expected ROI, it can easily measure test automation success.
Higher ROI
Along with defining a practical and achievable ROI, the business also consider a number of factors to get higher ROI. It must consider automating several key areas including load, data migration, integration points, UI/API layers, and test environment setup. Similarly, while deciding about automating a particular manual testing effort, it must consider its repetitiveness, complexity, and required maintenance. The enterprise can further maximize test automation by adopting an incremental approach.
ROI Calculation
While calculating test automation ROI, the analyst must remember that software development and automated testing are not two individual or separate projects. So the ROI cannot be calculated by applying the conventional formula “Return on Investment = (Cost – Benefit)/Cost”. The test automaton ROI needs to be calculated in terms of reduced development time and human efforts. The financial impact of test automation can also be measured based on if a test needs to be automated or conducted manually. The use of testing tools and frameworks enables testers to use their free time to design better tests or enhance test coverage. Instead of ascertaining business benefits of test automation, the managers must focus on getting higher returns by taking smart and out-of-box decisions.
While quantifying test automation ROI, each analyst must remember that manual testing and automated testing are intertwined. So he cannot ignore the manual testing efforts to decide if the test automation project was a success or a failure. However, each business has to decide the most appropriate way to quantify the outcome of the test automation project.
You can hire testers from top outsource automated testing services company in India who can help you accomplish testing within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide test automation services. If you would like to hire automation testers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.
How to Measure a Business’s Test Automation Success?
Test Automation Vision
Test Automation Budget
A business can reduce test automation cost by using open source software testing tools and frameworks. But it is always important for the enterprise to evaluate the tools according to their cost, technology and other features. There are also chances that some of these tools need to be customized or have to be developed from scratch. That is why; each enterprise has to prepare a realistic teat automation budget by focusing of all test automation requirements.
Expected ROI
Like a realistic test automation budget, the business also needs to define a ROI that is practical and achievable. It may have to adjust the ROI due to changes in changes in the application’s features or development plan. Likewise, the business must consider the cost of managing and maintaining the automation after the software is delivered. The ROI also needs to be calculated based on the timeline for automation decided in advance. Once the business determines the expected ROI, it can easily measure test automation success.
Higher ROI
Along with defining a practical and achievable ROI, the business also consider a number of factors to get higher ROI. It must consider automating several key areas including load, data migration, integration points, UI/API layers, and test environment setup. Similarly, while deciding about automating a particular manual testing effort, it must consider its repetitiveness, complexity, and required maintenance. The enterprise can further maximize test automation by adopting an incremental approach.
ROI Calculation
While calculating test automation ROI, the analyst must remember that software development and automated testing are not two individual or separate projects. So the ROI cannot be calculated by applying the conventional formula “Return on Investment = (Cost – Benefit)/Cost”. The test automaton ROI needs to be calculated in terms of reduced development time and human efforts. The financial impact of test automation can also be measured based on if a test needs to be automated or conducted manually. The use of testing tools and frameworks enables testers to use their free time to design better tests or enhance test coverage. Instead of ascertaining business benefits of test automation, the managers must focus on getting higher returns by taking smart and out-of-box decisions.
While quantifying test automation ROI, each analyst must remember that manual testing and automated testing are intertwined. So he cannot ignore the manual testing efforts to decide if the test automation project was a success or a failure. However, each business has to decide the most appropriate way to quantify the outcome of the test automation project.
You can hire testers from top outsource automated testing services company in India who can help you accomplish testing within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide test automation services. If you would like to hire automation testers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.
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