13 April, 2015

Knowing about the security features of FileMaker

Being the subsidiary farm of Apple, Filemaker Inc. doesn’t need any introduction for the quality and reliability of its flagship product i.e., Filemaker pro. Well since it’s the sibling of apple, we can expect the use of this product in IOS and MAC operating system but, the latest Filemaker pro is also compatible with windows operating system. As always apple is renowned for better quality and service hence we can expect similar quality and service from file maker pro. On the other hand, we have to accept that quality and reliability can’t be achieved without proper security measures. Today will discuss about different stages of security features of Filemaker pro which can help both the users and the developers on the same ladder.

filemaker database development
Authentication for admin: For any ERP solution, the basic security feature starts with admin authentication. In file maker pro it provides a strong authentication process for the admin. The file maker pro developers can develop enterprise standard ERP solutions with 256 bit encryption for the admin.

Authentication for a group of users: In any ERP model, there are a group of users to use the application. Hence it is better to distinguish them with different groups and hence authentication credentials. File maker pro provides a better developers environment to develop secure application for any ERP solution consisting of different categories of users. We can set a hierarchical model of security features for different users.

Privilege Sets Protect A Single File: We can implement authentication for a single file. In that case, the users can’t access the file without the permission or credentials of the admin. This is extremely helpful while a Filemaker developer wants to keep a file totally secured from being unethical access from third party. We can set a privilege to the file which will lock all types of access to that file including the internal tables. Any other user can not access the data in the file or table without credentials makes the system even secure and safe.

Accounts for different users: A file maker pro developer can integrate user module in an ERP solution to ensure the application being used only by the registered users for security purpose. We can co-relate this with any social networking sites like Facebook, twitter or LinkedIn etc. This ensures only the authentic access by the users to provide a better security cover to the application.

Authentication for layouts: Well, a file maker developer doesn’t need any programming language to design the layout of the file maker application. Because there are many inbuilt templates available this can be implemented by the application developer to build an eye catchy environment for the users. Moreover there are different types of templates which can be used for different purposes or modules of the application to give a uniform look and feel to the user interface. So it shouldn’t be modified by anyone except the developers and the admin. This is achieved with the authentication process in file maker pro applications.

Data Encryption with 256 bit: While using the file maker pro application in different platforms like smart phones, tablets, MAC operating systems we may have fright for the data security while dealing with sensitive data. But Filemaker pro provides a 256 bit encryption methodology to give tight security of your data over internet.

Encryption state indicator: While dealing with sensitive contents there is a lock symbol on the screen to ensure your data being safe and secure with the filemaker pro application and hence giving you relief from being panic for any data loss.

You can hire developers from top custom filemaker development companies in India who can help you with your database requirements within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide filemaker database development services. If you would like to hire filemaker developer, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

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