04 December, 2014

List of Future ROR Frameworks

As a general purpose programming language, Ruby is designed based on the principle of good interface design. So it comes with features to make programmers both productive and happy. But developers still use frameworks to rapidly write websites and web application in Ruby. As an open source and full stack web development framework, Ruby on Rails (ROR) is hugely popular among web developers across the world. Many bloggers even attribute the huge popularity of Ruby to ROR. But the developers still have option to choose from several innovative Ruby development frameworks.

7 Futuristic Ruby Frameworks to Create Faster and Better Web Applications

1) Lotus
Ruby software development
As an open source web framework for Ruby, Lotus is fast, lightweight and testable, while supporting software development patterns like Model-View-Controller (MVC). It allows developers to create their own objects, and use the objects to build their own architecture. At the same time, the MVC pattern enables programmers to effectuate the development and maintenance of large websites and web applications by keeping the business logic and presentation separate.

2) Padrino
Despite being developed based on Sinatra web libraries, Padrino supports several widely used templating, testing and database libraries. Like other Ruby frameworks, Padrino is full stack, and comes with a built-in admin interface, mailers, form helpers, tag helpers, text helpers and assets helpers. However, Padrino, unlike other Ruby frameworks, is designed with features to mount multiple applications.

Along with being a small and powerful Ruby framework, NYNY also comes with a highly extendable interface. While using NYNY, developers can use the application itself as a Rack middleware. So NYNY can be used inside other Ruby frameworks and Rack-based applications. The programmers also have option to customize the source code of NYNY according to specific requirements of their projects.

4) Generalized Rapid API Erector (Grape)
Grape can be used, as an alternative to large Ruby frameworks, for creating lightweight APIs. It is designed as a REST-like API macro-framework to complement other Ruby frameworks. The developers use Grape to replace the API functionality of ROR, Sinatra and other large Ruby frameworks. So it can be used as a lightweight framework to ease and speed up development of APIs.

5) Nancy
The micro-framework for Ruby web development is designed based on Cuba and Sinatra. The Ruby community is also humble enough to regard Nancy as “Sinatra’s little daughter”. It also comes with routine functionality for get, post, delete, put, patch, options and head identical to Sinatra. Despite being a micro-framework, Sinatra is incredibly fast, while allowing programmers to mount rack apps using the map method.

6) Cuba
Despite being a minimal Ruby web development framework, Cuba can be used as a powerful mapper for Rack applications. Cuba is designed with features to facilitate web application development without using a large number of files. It further aims to keep everything global. Along with being elegant, Cuba also enables programmers to write clean code, and use the code to run tests. At present, Cuba is being used by developers to create landing pages, real-time web applications and ecommerce apps.

7) Scorched
Despite being a lightweight and generic Ruby framework, Scorched comes with more power, focus and less clutter. It is also designed like other DSL-based Ruby web development frameworks like Sinatra. But Scorched provides a set of generic yet powerful constructs that can be used by programmers to effectuate processing HTTP requests. The Ruby web development framework can be further used for creating websites and internet applications of varying scale.

While mentioning the future Ruby development frameworks, one cannot ignore Ruby on Rails. According to an article recently posted on InfoWorld.com, “The Ruby on Rails Web development framework has plenty of rivals these days on the JavaScript front, but the framework keeps chugging along, with multiple upgrades on the horizon. Version 4.2, due this month, will feature debugging, HTML, and jobs framework improvements. The upgrade, which moved to a release candidate stage late last week, also sets the stage for Rails 5.0, the next major release of the 10-year-old framework.”

You can hire developers from top Ruby on Rails development company in India who can help you build Ruby applications within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide Ruby software development services. If you would like to hire Ruby on Rails devs from our team, please get in touch with us.

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