16 March, 2015

10 reasons why every web designer should learn Rails

Easy to learn: Rails has a very simple interface and syntax for ruby developers. Hence it is extremely easy to learn the technology from your bed room with an internet connection on your lappy. Its syntax is damn easy and most importantly it resembles with PHP to some extent, so you can assume how much easy it is to learn.

ror development
Availability of learning materials: There is a huge collection of pdf files, learning materials, ebooks on the web that can assist you while learning Ruby on Rails. It is more often a fun to learn Ruby with these resources. Moreover, video tutorial can help you in developing your first web app from the day one itself.

Quicker web development: Framework means efficiency and so the case for Rails as well. You can expect quicker web development process using ruby on rails platform. Moreover, there is a huge library in the framework that will definitely help you in writing quick web applications on the fly.

IDE is there: The integrated IDE is extremely efficient and intelligent as well. You can get all your required assistance from the Editor while typing your ruby code on the rails platform. It will assist you throughout the development process with interactive features like auto-complete, code suggestion and indentation etc.

It’s a combo- No more hassle to kick start: Yes! Rails come with Ruby and hence you need not to worry for the set up process of different components that a web developer may need during the development process. All are there ready to help you.

Efficiency: Everyone knows the power of RoR is simply unmatched and it’s true. It has a tremendous potential in developing enterprise standard web applications on the fly.

It is future ready: Yes!! Rails support all the future technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery etc. It understands and gives respect to the demand of the industry. Hence it is well versed with all these technologies to build modern web applications that are fit for modern smart devices like tablets and smart phones.

Cloud can be integrated: Cloud is the most advanced feature of future IT industry and how can Rails escape it? It is fully loaded with modern features i.e. Cloud support. Ruby developers can integrate cloud technology to their applications without any hassle in Rails platform making it a future ready technology.

You can rely on RoR: Well, since its inception, Ruby on rails developer has received tremendous support from git and it will continue. So you can rely on RoR without any doubt. Moreover, there is a huge potential of the technology for future that will definitely bring you more profit on long term.

Productivity will be increased: With quick web development that too in an efficient manner ensures you that you are under safe hands. On the other hand, the open source nature of RoR makes it less investment extensive technology. As a result, it will definitely inspire start-ups to enter into the IT venture with less investment and this will definitely create a win-win situation for both.

You can hire developers from top Ruby on Rails development company in India who can help you build Ruby applications within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide ror development services. If you would like to hire expert ruby on rails team from our team, please get in touch with us.

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