31 March, 2015

Applet in Java and what should programmers learn about it

What is Java Applet? Well, Java Applet is nothing but small applications written in Java for developing attractive web applications. It is often written within the web page and thrown into the browser of the client or user. Once it is projected to the browser, it runs on the client hardware through the JVM i.e. Java Virtual Machine. It runs separately on the JVM hence it never hampers the resources of the browser. Sometimes it appears in a new window in the web page or in the appletviewer or even in a standalone frame. Anyway, it is always provides boost to the application. Though it is often written in Java but it also can be written in any other language that has the potential to compile Java bite code like Python, Pascal, JRuby etc. Java applets can run at a lightning speed like C++ hence it is extremely helpful for client side communications.

java application development services
Java applet for interactive web application: Well, web developers or Java developers used to use Java Applets for developing interactive web applications that are not only interactive but also dynamic. Once it is loaded in the user’s browser, it provides adequate scope for the java developer to interact the user with the application in a more fashionable way. It can take various responses from the user in the browser and accordingly perform different front end jobs. Suppose the user move his mouse to a certain place, and then it may display an awesome graphics on the web page. It often helps in developing real time visual effects on the web page giving it a dynamic look and feel. It works in a very faster speed and hence it is often used in computation-intensive visualizations.

Is it better than JavaScript? Well, this is really a basic question that may come to any web developers mind. The thing is it had been better than JavaScript until 2011, but after that JavaScript undergone a tremendous modification and it become more powerful. The newer Javascript takes the advantage of HTML5 canvas element and this enables Javascript to create awesome visual effects on the screen. The day Canvas get launched in the industry, the standard of web applications has increased to a much higher level. Still, Java developers love to use java applets in their application due to their practice.

Cross platform compatibility of Java applet: Well, the best part of Java Applet is that it is compatible to almost all platforms just like Java. It is compatible with Windows, UNIX, OS X, Linux etc. Hence the Java JSP developers need not to bother about the platform on which his application is going to run. Moreover, Java developers can handle it in a more reliable manner to avoid all types of shortcomings. They can write some code in their application so that the Java Applet program can run independently in the IDE itself. Anyway, Java applet is still is in demand in the industry due to its all time popularity among the java developers.

You can hire programmers from top java development companies in India who can help you build products within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide java application development services. If you would like to hire expert java developer from our team, please get in touch with us.

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